As a measure of control or simpy to release resources, we can force, with abap code, the shutdown of all instances of the current logon session. Here is a small program to show how to do that.
World of ABAP
Experiments, Information and Tips and Tricks for ABAP
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
ABAP communication with COMM Ports ( Serial Ports )
One need that sometimes arise, is to allow the system to communicate with scales, printers or other devices. As far as I know, there isn't a simple and straigth forward way to do that.
In this post I'll present a class to make this possible. This class uses OLE to allow the desktop PC to communicate using a serial port. In a future post, I'll show how to create a webservice, running in a given PC, that can be accessed by a SAP Server in order to allow the communication in background and/or allow any pc to read a remote serial port.
For now, this only works in the running PC and there is the need to create and register the MSCOMM32.OCX (I'll show how to create a script to do this for 32 and 64 windows)
1 - Download MSCOMM32.OCX ( for instance, you can download it from here : Link)
2 - Create a text file named comm.reg with the following content:
3 - Create a batch file comm.bat with the following content:
6 - Create these class attributes:
7 - Create these methods:
8 - Give these parameters to the created methods:
9 - Insert the appropriate code bellow in each of the corresponding methods:
In this post I'll present a class to make this possible. This class uses OLE to allow the desktop PC to communicate using a serial port. In a future post, I'll show how to create a webservice, running in a given PC, that can be accessed by a SAP Server in order to allow the communication in background and/or allow any pc to read a remote serial port.
For now, this only works in the running PC and there is the need to create and register the MSCOMM32.OCX (I'll show how to create a script to do this for 32 and 64 windows)
1 - Download MSCOMM32.OCX ( for instance, you can download it from here : Link)
2 - Create a text file named comm.reg with the following content:
3 - Create a batch file comm.bat with the following content:
4 - Place all three files in the same location and run, with administrator privileges, the comm.bat file).
5 - Now, the ABAP Class. Create the following class:
6 - Create these class attributes:
7 - Create these methods:
8 - Give these parameters to the created methods:
9 - Insert the appropriate code bellow in each of the corresponding methods:
10 - Enjoy :)
ABAP File Operations : Desktop and Server
Sometimes, we need to get a file from the presentation server or the application server. Usually, we need to fork the code in order to be able to use one or the other. Here, I'll show a simple class to make this task a lot easier. All the usual file/directory operations, are called the same way. The only distinction is a flag to indicate that the file should be considered in the desktop or in the server.
The class only has static methods, to use it, you just need to call any of the public methods.
This is the beggining, in the future I'll try to allow FTP, network shares, among others and consider to create a instanciable class to deal with connection, autentication, etc.
1 - Create the following Class
2 - Create the following Methods:
The class only has static methods, to use it, you just need to call any of the public methods.
This is the beggining, in the future I'll try to allow FTP, network shares, among others and consider to create a instanciable class to deal with connection, autentication, etc.
1 - Create the following Class
2 - Create the following Methods:
3 - Use the following parameters for each method:
4 - Insert the appropriate code in each method:
Friday, November 1, 2013
ABAP Week Operations
Some SAP objects must deal with week periods. Here I'll show a small class to deal with some of the needs that arise when making calculations with week periods. This class makes simplier to use only one object to provide the needed calculations with weeks. As usual, there is allways room for improvement.
1 - Create the Class:
2 - Create the Methods:
3 - Define Methods Parameters
4 - Insert the code in the appropriate methods:
method ADD_NUMBER.
data: l_first_day type dats.
do im_numb times.
l_first_day = get_first_day( im_week = ch_week ).
l_first_day = l_first_day + 7.
ch_week = get_from_day( im_day = l_first_day ).
if im_week2(4) = im_week1(4).
re_no_weeks = im_week1+4(2) - im_week2+4(2).
elseif im_week1(4) > im_week2(4).
re_no_weeks = ( ( im_week1(4) - im_week2(4) ) * 52 ) + im_week1+4(2)
- im_week2+4(2).
clear: re_no_weeks.
call function 'WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY'
week = im_week
date = re_day
week_invalid = 1
others = 2.
method GET_FROM_DAY.
call function 'DATE_GET_WEEK'
date = im_day
week = re_week
date_invalid = 1
others = 2.
method GET_LAST_DAY.
re_day = get_first_day( im_week = im_week ) + 6.
data: l_first_day type dats.
do im_numb times.
l_first_day = get_first_day( im_week = ch_week ).
l_first_day = l_first_day - 7.
ch_week = get_from_day( im_day = l_first_day ).
1 - Create the Class:
2 - Create the Methods:
3 - Define Methods Parameters
4 - Insert the code in the appropriate methods:
method ADD_NUMBER.
data: l_first_day type dats.
do im_numb times.
l_first_day = get_first_day( im_week = ch_week ).
l_first_day = l_first_day + 7.
ch_week = get_from_day( im_day = l_first_day ).
if im_week2(4) = im_week1(4).
re_no_weeks = im_week1+4(2) - im_week2+4(2).
elseif im_week1(4) > im_week2(4).
re_no_weeks = ( ( im_week1(4) - im_week2(4) ) * 52 ) + im_week1+4(2)
- im_week2+4(2).
clear: re_no_weeks.
call function 'WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY'
week = im_week
date = re_day
week_invalid = 1
others = 2.
method GET_FROM_DAY.
call function 'DATE_GET_WEEK'
date = im_day
week = re_week
date_invalid = 1
others = 2.
method GET_LAST_DAY.
re_day = get_first_day( im_week = im_week ) + 6.
data: l_first_day type dats.
do im_numb times.
l_first_day = get_first_day( im_week = ch_week ).
l_first_day = l_first_day - 7.
ch_week = get_from_day( im_day = l_first_day ).
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Convert ALV to Excel and send it by email
One of the most requested abilities for an report is the possibility to run it as a job and send the output to a given user. However, the spool output of most ALV reports is unusable as is. To solve this problem, I'll show a simple class that takes an internal table, a fieldcatalog and a user email to create a xml excel file from the field catalog with the contents of the internal table and forward it to the email supplied.
I should warn that the excel output isn't something fancy. It's just a simple table. The class can be greatly enhanced.
1 - Create a class:
3 - Create the class methods:
4 - Create the method parameters:
5 - Insert the appropriate code in each method:
I should warn that the excel output isn't something fancy. It's just a simple table. The class can be greatly enhanced.
1 - Create a class:
2 - Create the class atributes:
3 - Create the class methods:
5 - Insert the appropriate code in each method: