Friday, December 31, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

SAP Texts Copy

RSTXTCPY - This program is very useful to copy texts between SAP clients.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

SAP Texts Transport

An simple way of transport SAP texts is to use the program RSTXTRAN.

First, you must create a transport order, check if the task is of development/correction type.

After that, take not of the task number (not the request), and introduce it in the program, together with the text name, type and language.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hello world!

One of the simpliest programs that you can create in abap, is the famous Hello World.

report y_hello_world.

write:/ 'Hello World!'.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Scan string in ABAP programs

As with sapscript, sometimes we need to find certain strings present in abap source code. For this, sap provides us with an interesting program: RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN

Scan string in SAPScript Sources

Every now and then, there is the need to find an particular string in multiple layouts/languages. This could be done by displaying the form info and search there. However, this is painfully slow and boring. For that need, I've created a small and simple program that can show if an form has that string. Below is the source code for it. Just create an empty program and copy & paste. Enjoy.